Monday, February 3, 2014


Dear Delhi,

For the past eleven years, I have been living with you. Sitting in your cafes, meeting up old and new friends, and atleast once a year, escaping your environs to explore the hill stations nearby.

You have provided me with many memorable memories. Yet you have often provided me with heartbreaks too. No, I am not complaining about you. I just am starting to like you less and less.

I miss her. Every street that I have visited with her seems to lack her presence. The city seems a ghost without her. The monuments visited, the well paved and the crumbling footpaths we have walked upon, and the endless drive we have taken on your roads; all seem to have lost its charm when she has left.

No other love will seem worthwhile anymore. In this very city have I fought for her. To keep her with me, I have hurt others. It all seems worth it, but for the fact that she is no longer here. You make me to live life in you difficult.

And the people I hurt continue to count on.